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For photographers

Personal branding 1:1 mentorship & online learning

online learning - $222

Personal Branding Photography Mastery

Are you an aspiring personal branding photographer ready to manifest success in your business? Get ready to embark on a transformative journey where joy, strategy and empowerment will guide you every step of the way. As a manifestation queen and firm believer that it all starts from within, I am here to help you pivot your photography business into the lucrative world of personal branding and say goodbye to weekends spent working and hello to never missing a family dinner again.

1:1 coaching - $995

Brand Photography Mentorship

My passion is in helping aspiring branding photographers build a sustainable business without sacrificing their family life. Inside my new signature 2-month One-on-One Coaching program, we will come up with a personalized plan that will include mindset inspiration and action activation, business and marketing strategies, ways to improve your workflow, customer experience and planning of your photoshoots. You can even go behind the scenes with me if you are local to me or I can send you a video recording with tips. This mentorship will include 6 weekly one hour video calls and unlimited email support during the length of the program. If you are ready, apply today!

Katya Vilchyk Photography education


Ready to Ditch the Overwhelm & Fall in Love with Marketing?

Grab my FREE Personal Branding Photoshoot Checklist today and get a jumpstart on curating a collection of unique brand photos for your marketing bliss.
